
Abe and Kyle split this past Sunday’s lessons, focusing on Teamwork. The very fact they teamed-up to do the lessons was a sign that they knew what they were talking about! Abe lead off talking about the importance of team work to accomplish things, and and both men noted how...

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What Happened?

Abe and Roger split the lessons today, with two lessons entitled, “What Happened?”, asking the question, how did humans get to where they are now with all that God has done? We live in a time where we constantly hear of those in the world, or even in other religions...

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He Leads Me

Today was our 5th Sunday song/scripture/lesson we do for each month with 5 Sundays. Today’s theme was “He Leads Me“. Question, does God lead in your life? Are you following His instructions to the best of your ability, or do you just sort of stay in view of God? Staying...

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Keeping a Promise

Have you ever failed to keep a promise to someone? Like me, I bet you have failed in this endeavor a few times in your life too. But like me, I feel you have TRIED to keep that promise, right? What if everyone in our lives who promised us something...

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Follow Jesus

Our 5th Sunday lesson for September was entitled “Follow Jesus”. As with all our 5th Sunday lessons, Abe put together a great mix of songs and scriptures that went along with the subject. While the songs and scriptures did a great job enforcing the the subject, Abe’s second lesson really...

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Leadership Lessons – 06/10/12

Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “Leadership”. He takes a look at what true leadership is as prescribed by God in the Bible. From God’s own Headship, to that of Christ, to how men, women, and children are to lead and follow. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by...

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