Focus – Part 2

Continuing our lesson from last week on FOCUS where we looked at the things that distract us from maintaining focus, this week we take a look at how important clarity can be. How can we get more focus on the things we see or are doing? Sometimes in life clarity...

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Focus – Part 1

As we slowly return from our stay-at-home orders from the past months, the church at Waynesville has shortened their Sunday morning worship time and our lessons have been trimmed too. This week Roger begins a short series of lessons on “Focus” or focusing. We look at why focus is important...

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All-In or All-Out + 3 Good Things

Alan Beck joined us today to share some great ideas that we can all use towards our growth and rejuvenation as Christians. The first lesson titled “All-In or All-Out” starts off talking about an infamous football player who could not decide if he was going to be a player or...

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Focus, Relax, and Trust in God + Mindfulness

How many of us have ever gone to a class, seminar, or conference and found ourselves completely distracted by the next class, work needs, or lunch? I’d say probably most of us! That is just where Kyle Jones began his first lesson to the congregation today, reflecting to being in...

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After trying to work him into our schedule for the past few months, we finally were able to work out a good time to have Kevin Kelly join us today. He provided two insightful lessons on Fasting. As noted in his lessons, the practice of fasting is not just a...

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Letting Go the Past

Broc Begley presented two lessons on Letting Go the Past. He talks about how we all tend to focus on the past too much. While we can learn lessons from the past, we need not dwell on it, especially as a Christian. Both lessons go to the Bible to underscore...

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