A Little Leaven

Cody Cain joins us today after moving his Sunday around this month to accommodate us moving our “5th Sunday Singing” around due to vacation schedules. Today his lesson was on “Leaven”. What is this lesson about? You can find out by listening to the MP3 below and/or following along with...

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Today we welcomed Marvin Eads back with us after a long absence due to the shut down of all things due to COVID. So he used the lessons we have learned to deal with over the past couple of years to make some spiritual points. We saw how COVID affected...

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Love Lifts

Eric joined us for the first time today as a speaker, and presented a lesson, or should we say, lessons, from the stories of Jesus walking on the water from Matthew 14:22-33

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Fear of God

Roger, Sr. presented a lesson on fear today where he listed many of the fears we humans have in life. Many of which are very unlikely, but still fear many have. After he lists many of these phobias, he asks the listeners about God. Do we fear Him? What does...

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Conversations with God

Looking back to the stories of David, we can read how God was looking for a leader whom He wanted, not the people as with Saul. Over David’s life, we see a man focused on pleasing God even though he failed from time to time (sometimes greatly). The conversations we...

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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Many of us these days seem to see or feel suffering in our lives. It may be from the loss of a loved one. It may be that a spouse has changed and no longer abide by their promises of marriage (for better or worse). It could be a sick...

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