Clarifying Righteousness

Today in his lesson, Clarifying Righteousness, Roger begins by noting that the Bible is very clear that “righteousness” is not easily found among mankind. The lesson shows us that those who do well can still fail in sin, and those who sin can do well by forgiveness. The goal of...

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The Trying of Our Faith

Many of us these days have had our faith tested. It may be due to family issues, work issues, relationship issues, or even health and wellness issues. When we are making an effort to try to be pleasing to God and life seems to be contrary to us, we can...

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The Mark of a True Christian

  Jason Reeder presented our lessons today. The first lesson was titled, “The Mark of a True Christian” looking as some of the influences in our lives as Christians that have been positive or negative examples to our growth. Each of us is the exact same person to someone around...

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With God All Things Are Possible + Letting Go

With a heavy heart due to his father’s health failing, Cody presented a lesson today on With God All Things Are Possible. Many people recognize this but few truly believe it or they have asked God to intervene in aspects of their lives and things did not go as the...

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The Way of a Transgressor

Transgress [trans-gres, tranz-] (definition from verb (used without object) To violate a law, command, moral code, etc.; offend; sin. verb (used with object) To pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.): to transgress bounds of prudence. To go beyond the limits imposed by (a law, command, etc.);...

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Gradual Decline

Abe’s lessons below take us back to the prophets looking at a man who tried to bend the worship of God to better suit his needs, and he did. It was convenient, less of a problem in getting to the appointed worship location, and it seemed to make sense to...

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