Christ – Perfect Example for Parents

As with our previous three lessons on the family, this one centers on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In the flesh, He was the perfect example. He always did what was best for us and never demanded of us something that we are not capable of doing. At best,...

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Christ – the Perfect Example for Children

Christ set the perfect example for children. On earth, He always obeyed the Father. He kept His commands even unto death. Even though He was the express image of God, the Word, He came to do the will of the Father. With this in mind, it should be easier for...

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As this nation marked Father’s Day in 2015, Abe and Kyle both presented lessons titled “Fathers”. Abe took the first lesson and Kyle the second. Lots of good content. Click the buttons below to listen to the MP3s, or click the download buttons to the right of of each to...

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The Beatitudes

Cody presented a lesson on what are commonly referred to as the “Beatitudes”. The passage shown below is a short but important passage for all those who would follow after God through Christ. These versus give hope to us when we feel outnumbered. They help us stay focused, and remind...

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How Will I Be Remembered?

Throughout the history of Biblical text, we can read of men and women who literally changed the course of history. Some made positive changes, many made negative changes to history, and all have led us to where we are today. Each of us have good and bad qualities with our...

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Nehemiah – Staying Focused

Abe presented a great lesson on a man with significant tenacity, focus, and dedication this past Sunday. Nehemiah was one who was focused on accomplishing good for the Lord God and not sitting aside waiting for another to take initiative. While many of the displaced Israelites failed to return to...

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