Our Example

Our Example

Today, Roger Starnes, Sr. presented his first lesson at the Waynesville congregation since he began attending several years ago. As his son, I can confirm my dad has been granted great study skills and the ability to present God’s word in such a way that it can be easily understood...

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Let It Shine

On February 21st, Kyle presented a lesson titled, “Let It Shine”. His lesson began by sharing the view from an officer that often parks outside his property to catch speeding drivers and how every Sunday that driver sees Kyle and his family heading to church. As he noted it is...

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Making a Difference + Patience

Broc Begley and his family joined us today and Broc presented lessons on “Making a Difference” and on “Patience”. The first lesson began by Broc sharing a story about a woman who did some great things for a young person. While those things helped so much early on, the absence...

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The Mark of a True Christian

  Jason Reeder presented our lessons today. The first lesson was titled, “The Mark of a True Christian” looking as some of the influences in our lives as Christians that have been positive or negative examples to our growth. Each of us is the exact same person to someone around...

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Once again, July had 5 Sundays in the month, so our worship service today was a mix of song, scriptures, and lessons focused on one Person, Jesus. The first assembly was a sort of overview of Jesus. The second lesson takes a more direct look at just WHO Jesus is....

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