The Power of Diligence, part 2

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland, finished part 2 of his lesson “The Power of Diligence” today. As he noted in his previous lesson, we may often feel like we don’t deserve things, that we’ll mess things up, that we’ll never succeed, that we can’t do something, or we are not good...

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The Power of Doubt – Part 1

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland shares the first part of his two-part lesson today entitled, “The Power of Doubt”. He begins by noting how many of us tell ourselves things like, I don‘t deserve this, or I‘m afraid I‘ll mess up, or I‘ll never succeed, or I’m not good enough, or...

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Marvin Eads joined us today and literally told us all to GO! Well, in fact he did not try to get us to leave the building but was talking about his lesson, entitled, “GO!”. What in the world could be so urgent for a title of a lesson like this?...

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A Little Leaven

Cody Cain joins us today after moving his Sunday around this month to accommodate us moving our “5th Sunday Singing” around due to vacation schedules. Today his lesson was on “Leaven”. What is this lesson about? You can find out by listening to the MP3 below and/or following along with...

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Doubt + Heaven

Speaking for us today is Alan Beck, and the lessons he presented were “Doubt” and “Heaven”. One was about the tendency of so many in the world to have doubts about Who God is, what He wants and how He communicates with us (or can/does He?). The second lesson is...

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