True Discipleship

Marvin Eads was able to join us today, as he shared a great lesson on the subject of “Discipleship”. What does it mean? Is it relevant today? Why is it important? You can hear and see slides from Marvin’s PowerPoint presentation in our gallery below. Have questions or comments? You...

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Part-Time Christians

Alan Beck was able to join us again today and he delivered a great lesson on what it takes to be a “Part-Time Christian” and how there is no such thing. You can hear his lesson below and follow along with his PowerPoint slides in our gallery below. Recording: Part-Time...

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Five Components of Faithful Christian Living

On September 26th, Mike Grushon presented a lesson on, “Five Components of Faithful Christian Living”. What are these 5 components to be a faithful Christian and truly live? You can hear the details of his 5 points were based on the ordered list below… Be on the Alert! Stand Firm...

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Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Another installment of his series from Robert Harkrider’s material on Spiritual Growth & Maturity, Cody continues his series starting in Hebrews 5:11-14 today. He begins by focusing on the birth of a new Christian like that of a new baby. He continues by looking at the differences in growth in...

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Anger Management

Today Cody gave a lesson on “Anger Management” and why that is important to us as humans and as Christians. This lesson is on the heels of his other lessons from the book of Colossians, starting off from Colossians 3:8. The lesson jumps into a study of the Greek language...

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