What is Wrong with Doing Good?

In the lesson today, Roger asks, “What is Wrong with Doing Good?”. Got an idea of some things? None? Roger shares some key points in the list below. How do these things factor into his lesson? Click on the play button below, or download the lesson to hear on your...

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Bitter and Sweet

Roger’s lessons for toady were titled “Bitter and Sweet”. The lessons begin with an act of God as the children of Israel are leaving Egypt and complain about a lack of water. The method God chooses to have Moses make the bitter water sweet segues into the lessons. The first...

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Conduct in the House of God

We can read about God, and Who He is in the Bible. We can see His love, His compassion, His power, and His requirements for those that He has created to respect Him and live their lives for Him. So once we can read about that, it should be expected...

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