The Pattern

On June 24th, Roger was asked to speak at the congregation where he grew-up in north Dayton. It has been several years since he was able to visit, and he gave a lesson on “The Pattern”. As is his standard, Roger used some imagery for his lessons, but this time...

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Musical Instruments in Worship

Cody gave the lessons today, and his were on Musical Instruments in Worship. What does the bible say about music in worship? Can we read about music in old testament worship of God? If we can, why can’t we have it in the new testament church? What changed? Why are...

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Friend and Father

Kyle gave two lessons today on Father’s Day, and titled his lessons, “Friend and Father”. I’m a few weeks behind on getting lessons added to our site for users to listen to, so I’ll let you make your own summary of these good lessons… :^) Recordings of both lessons are...

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Bitter and Sweet

Roger’s lessons for toady were titled “Bitter and Sweet”. The lessons begin with an act of God as the children of Israel are leaving Egypt and complain about a lack of water. The method God chooses to have Moses make the bitter water sweet segues into the lessons. The first...

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Understanding History

In the adult class tonight, the study focused on Joseph. There was a good bit of discussion regarding what scripture says (or does not say) about what Joseph was privy to regarding all that God was doing in his life (the bad and good). While we see Joseph’s life over...

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