Let It Shine

On February 21st, Kyle presented a lesson titled, “Let It Shine”. His lesson began by sharing the view from an officer that often parks outside his property to catch speeding drivers and how every Sunday that driver sees Kyle and his family heading to church. As he noted it is...

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Christ Made Perfect Through Suffering

Today, Cody shared a lesson using material from Robert Harkrider entitled, “A Savior Made Perfect Through Suffering” taken from Hebrews 2:5-18. The lesson begins by showing how superior to all that Jesus was and how the followers of Jesus should take consolation in Who He was and is. The question...

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God Has Spoken

Today, Cody shared a lesson using material from Robert Harkrider entitled, “God Has Spoken”, focusing on Hebrews 1:1-3. He begins by discussing just WHO God is and what He has done for us to date. He also notes the fact that we can know God by referring to scripture! In...

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Today, Roger takes on a name trip, looking at the name Jethro and who that is in our minds and who that may be in today’s lesson? Like many “B” and “C” characters in the text of the Bible, there are many supporting cast who are parts of important characters...

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Today, Kyle presented a lesson on “Boredom” but not the lesson you might expect given the subject! He begins by looking at the world we live in today, a world of COVID, of wars and riots, of stay at home everything, and a world often in crisis. He notes that...

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Following the mob that attacked the U.S. capital recently, Kyle’s lesson today was entitled, “Mob” starting out with groupthink, mob mentality, and herd mentality. Some of the examples of this he gives is when Moses was on the mountain and it took him a while to return, the people had...

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