New Building Done!


  1. Dustin Baker says:

    Very nice building. The Bible verse on the wall of the entry room is a bit peculiar. In context, that verse is speaking of discipline, not of gathering to worship (which I’m assuming is the intent). I’m not trying to be critical for no purpose; I think it is a bad look for Christians to draw Biblical truths from passages that aren’t teaching that particular truth. I think it is a dangerous practice that teaches Christians to misinterpret Scripture. It also affects their ability to teach others. Again, I hope my words are not coming across as pointless criticism; the motivation behind them is concern. I’m glad to see your work in the Kingdom is growing. May God bless you in your work.

    • Roger Starnes says:

      Dustin, thanks for your feedback on that verse on our welcome wall. There have been a few things done by members to ‘help out’ that were not fully discussed prior to install. We did a LOT in a very short time. Since things came together so quickly, keeping up was a challenge. That wall is one of those things we didn’t get time to fully discuss. You are correct that the verse is about church discipline, and because of context it may not be ideal for a welcome wall. However, it is clear from other passages (like Heb 2:12, Rev 2 & 3, Matt 28:20) that whenever the church (or members) come together to worship, study, encourage, or exhort – even for discipline – Christ and God are in our midst. So the spirit of the passage is sound but may not be ideal. It is very important that we convey the right messages at the right time and we’ll discuss the wall. Hope you can visit with us sometime and discuss more. We work hard to be sound in Christ. – Roger

      • Dustin Baker says:

        Thank you Roger for your informative response and the attitude with which you replied. I agree that Spirit of the message is Biblical and I’m glad that we could discuss in an edifying way. I also hope that our paths cross some day! Thanks again for your work in the Kingdom.

  2. Jason Schofield says:

    This is wonderful. Happy for my family in Christ in Waynesville.

    • Roger Starnes says:

      Thanks brother!