The Number 70

There are many numbers that we frequently come across in scripture. Numbers such as 6, 7, 12, 40, and others are in the text of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. But one that has come up over and over lately for today’s speaker, Roger Starnes, has been the number...

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God Sees

Roger presented the lessons today, in our “5th Sunday” lesson format where we combine songs and scriptures with a theme for our 1st assembly followed by a short invitation. Then for our 2nd assembly, we do a full lesson on the same theme. Today’s theme was “God Sees”. If you...

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Conversations with God

Looking back to the stories of David, we can read how God was looking for a leader whom He wanted, not the people as with Saul. Over David’s life, we see a man focused on pleasing God even though he failed from time to time (sometimes greatly). The conversations we...

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Philippians 1

Philippians is a wonderful book of encouragement, exhortation, love, compassion, hope, faith, desire, and fulfillment of doing what Christians should be doing. Paul’s words (possibly written by Timothy) his greeting to the church in Philippi, and the dialogue of how they are doing and what Paul wants them to continue...

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The ‘Little People’

In an effort to encourage and exhort the congregation in Waynesville to focus on who they can be , not who they are not, Roger presented two lessons on “The ‘Little People'” today. The lessons were not on the Little People toy brand for children ages 6–36 months and to...

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Building Up in Love + Building Up to Maturity

Normally the 4th Sunday of each month is for Broc Begley to be our speaker for worship, but he was not able to work it out this month so Cody and Roger stood in for him. In the spirit of grown and development, the two men split the lessons. Cody...

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