
“Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house,...

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Keeping a Promise

Have you ever failed to keep a promise to someone? Like me, I bet you have failed in this endeavor a few times in your life too. But like me, I feel you have TRIED to keep that promise, right? What if everyone in our lives who promised us something...

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Give Me Your Heart

Our “5th Sunday” lessons, songs, and scripture readings are always beneficial to the growing Christian and the child of God. Abe maintained his good track record by pulling together another winning medley of songs, scriptures and lesson. We invite you to listen to the lesson below and perhaps it will...

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Haggai – Prophet of God

There is a great benefit to a congregation where many of the members are reading through the Bible on a regular basis. This past Sunday Abe did a lesson from the prophet of Gad named Haggai. A few of us happened to be reading through that book recently and all...

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Answering Wisely

We all face challenges at work, at home, and with family where we are faced with conversations or situations that we feel are not giving God credit for something, or are morally sound. We see this more and more in life. The more sinful people are, the more they promote...

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Spiritual Goals

Cody had both lessons for this past Sunday, and reminded us of the importance of Spiritual Goals in our lives as Christians. This is an important subject as many of us work hard to plan for the weekend, for vacation, for a new car or new house, but often fail...

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