
Cooperation is always good for individuals. You do a little for me, and I’ll do a little for you and together we’ll get it done! This is not – I do something for you and you do something for me, it is we do something together at the same time...

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God’s Grace and Mercy

How do we exist? By God’s grace. How do we live and flourish? By God’s grace. How can he love a sinful people? By God’s mercy. Listen to what Abe has to say about God’s Grace and Mercy… Click the buttons below to listen to, or download the lessons to...

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Sin In The Camp

Have you ever felt like when things are really going your way, and nothing can stop you, something usually does? For men and women in scripture, this is usually due to individuals doing, or being unaware of, things that God is has said NO to. This was the situation that...

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Time Lessons

I can tell you, that when you do a lesson on time,  getting folks to pay attention to that term sort of takes on a life of its own! Since working on, and presenting the lesson I did last Sunday, I have stopped myself many times when I said or...

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Proper Preparation

What does it take to do a job, especially an important job, or a BIG job? Preparation is the answer. The bigger the job, the bigger the need for preparation is. We prepare for work or going out by choosing clothes, checking our hair and face, to be sure that...

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Memorials of Faith

As we marked this past Fourth of July weekend, Abe gave us two lessons on memorials from the Bible. He talked about the 12 stones that were taken from the Jordan River when the Israelites crossed into the promised land with Joshua on dry ground (Joshua 4). Specifically, how those...

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