Unspeakable Joy & Living Through His Promises

Dewayne Greenwood and his son joined us today for worship and Dewayne presented two good lessons. The first was titled “Unspeakable Joy” which began with a quote from C.S. Lewis and stayed closed to 1 Peter chapter 1. The second lesson was titled “Living Through His Promises” and focused on...

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Each month with 5 Sundays, we use that day for lessons that combine songs, scriptures, and lessons all on one subject. This month the theme was on “Family”. Our first assembly focused on the songs and passages that focused on the family and how important it is to us. The...

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Growing Church & Luke 12

Today, we had Brian Weaver and his family visit with us. He presented two lessons for us. First was “Growing Church” or God’s plan for church growth. The second lesson was on the entire chapter of Luke 12. So what does it take to properly grow a church? First, the...

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Isn’t it interesting that you never really hear Christians say that they are depressed? There is a certain type of stigma that comes with depression; that it’s something we are to be ashamed of. After all, if you’re walking with Christ and striving to be a Christian, there should never...

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Knowing Satan

Today, guest speaker Ben Berry and his wife visited with us. Ben presented lessons on “Knowing Satan”. How much do we really know about the devil? We may know some of the names used in scripture for who he is. We see the photos and art that many have created...

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