Worship and Class Schedule Updates

Clarification on the Waynesville assembly schedule… We’ll be meeting on Sunday morning for worship, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. (sharing via Zoom). We’ll also be doing our Wednesday night classes via Zoom until further notice. We are trying to be careful of COVID concerns while maintaining worship to God for all who...

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Ephesians 1

Roger’s lesson today began as a different study, but due to the number of times his other lesson came back to the first chapter of Ephesians, he just decided to do a lesson on that! He also decided to do an expository lesson on this chapter. But instead of doing...

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There’s a Verse for That

Pulling from the marketing for mobile devices and their many apps, Kyle takes the slogan, “There’s an App for that” and has tweaked it for his lesson today! Parents often wish they had an app to help them with raising children. Some apps can help you find parked cars, do...

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Anger Management

Today Cody gave a lesson on “Anger Management” and why that is important to us as humans and as Christians. This lesson is on the heels of his other lessons from the book of Colossians, starting off from Colossians 3:8. The lesson jumps into a study of the Greek language...

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Today Roger gave a lesson on being “Unfinished”. He gives the definition of “unfinished” but also the synonyms for the same word, which was surprisingly interesting as this lesson leads to spiritual thoughts. The synonyms almost describe many of us Christians trying to do better! The gist of the lesson...

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Mediterranean Diet

Reflecting back to when he was a younger person going to Bible study, Kyle shared his love for the maps in the back of his Bible when he had time. Likely something that many of us used to do when we were young (or even now!). One thing that he...

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