
Today, Kyle presented a lesson on “Boredom” but not the lesson you might expect given the subject! He begins by looking at the world we live in today, a world of COVID, of wars and riots, of stay at home everything, and a world often in crisis. He notes that...

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Following the mob that attacked the U.S. capital recently, Kyle’s lesson today was entitled, “Mob” starting out with groupthink, mob mentality, and herd mentality. Some of the examples of this he gives is when Moses was on the mountain and it took him a while to return, the people had...

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There’s a Verse for That

Pulling from the marketing for mobile devices and their many apps, Kyle takes the slogan, “There’s an App for that” and has tweaked it for his lesson today! Parents often wish they had an app to help them with raising children. Some apps can help you find parked cars, do...

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Mediterranean Diet

Reflecting back to when he was a younger person going to Bible study, Kyle shared his love for the maps in the back of his Bible when he had time. Likely something that many of us used to do when we were young (or even now!). One thing that he...

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Today, Kyle Jones delivers his second of two lessons on Ethics and Morals. Last week we posted his lesson Ethics, today we have the second part on Morals. What are morals or a moral code for society? What does Mark 7 say about morals? Does hanging around good or bad...

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In Kyle’s lesson today you will learn what “Ethical Hacker Pro” is and see how the classes that Kyle teaches factor into today’s lesson so well! What are integrity and ethics? What are some examples of ethical questions we could ask or answer? What Bible stories depict the right or...

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