
Kyle Jones, a member of the church at Waynesville, presented his lesson today on “Youth”. Kyle and his wife Jenna have two children that are youths, and Kyle works with many youths at Sinclair. See what he has to share with us today by listening to his MP3 recording of...

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Kyle Jones shared a great lesson today on, “Gears”. How do gears and religion go together? You might even say, ‘how do they mesh’!? LOL! 🙂 Well, Kyle will show you how they mesh! You can click the link below to listen to the lesson via MP3 file, download it,...

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The Big Picture

Kyle Jones presented his lesson today titled, “The Big Picture”. The recording of his lesson and slides from his PowerPoint presentation can be heard and seen below. We hope you like this lesson and encourage you to ask us questions or give comments on the lesson as needed. Recording: The...

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The Wise Man

Kyle brings us a lesson from a song that many kids in churches around the world have loved, on the Wise and Foolish men who built their houses on both sand and rocks. What can we learn from this song and this subject today? The same things that Jesus was...

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On November 7th, Kyle Jones presented a lesson on “Kingdom” mentioned in Matthew 6:33. He goes on to discuss the kingdoms of the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites! He talks about the many kings of Israel and Judah. But he starts with the warning of God to...

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So many of our members are teachers, professors, adjuncts, or aids it is impressive for a small congregation! Add all the in-laws and family members and that number grows significantly! Today, Kyle shares what it takes for new students to successfully meet their requirements when it comes to secondary education...

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