I can tell you, that when you do a lesson on time, getting folks to pay attention to that term sort of takes on a life of its own! Since working on, and presenting the lesson I did last Sunday, I have stopped myself many times when I said or thought about time! Once you start thinking about time, you realize how often we talk about it! Day, hour, minute, meeting, lunch, breakfast, dinner, bath, sleep, break – time, time, time, TIME!
There was a reason that I suggested this subject for Abe and I to do our lessons on. The time we live in today is really getting bad FAST! Folks want to embrace more and more wicked practices, and have even been forcefully pushing lifestyles as “good“! We can be certain and clear that scripture is not supportive of what society says is “right” today. God is all about love, as is Christ, but they also have a list of things that we are not to do, or we’ll be judged unworthy to see heaven, and will be certain to see hell.
The first lesson was mine, and I talked about a question many of us have asked, “What Time Do You Have?”. Abe took the second and follow-up lesson on “The Time is Now!”. Indeed, if we look around, how much TIME do we have? What are we doing with our TIME? What are people in the world doing in the TIME we live in? What does God and Christ expect from us? TIME for Them! We must put all things in God’s care, but we also have a role to play in spreading the gospel to the world, and it is only getting more needy!
Recordings of both lessons are below – lesson one was muted until 4:48 into the recording, so fast-foward. Further down under the play/download buttons, are slides of both lessons in order. There are 22 slides in the first lesson, and 17 slides in the second lesson.
What Time Do You Have? – Starnes