The Narrow Way

Cody Cain brought a preview to a lesson he hopes to share at camp coming up soon on “The Narrow Way” where he focuses on asking how we can enter the kingdom of heaven?

What we think are criteria for success is not what God is looking for in His kingdom. But God sees the character that He wants to save. But the command to enter is not one that is easy. It takes grace and we need to be wary of which we select.

There are two paths, one is good and one is not. The choice is left to us! The gate is wide for those who will be destroyed, but very narrow (hard to get in) for those who want to be saved.

Regardless of the circumstances wherein we are born, we need to be ready to repent and enter in that narrow gate. Christ came to save mankind, but even He said few will find the narrow path. Finding the wide path almost requires no effort.

In life, trying to find this narrow way requires effort, putting off ourselves, and looking to and for God.

Cody’s lesson recording and slides from his PowerPoint are below to follow along.

The Narrow Way – Cain

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