The Jewish Calendar

I’ve had a hard time finding a good summary of the Jewish calendar based on our modern calendar, and finally found one!

Back in the early 1990s, I was attending church at Kettering, and for class we were given Halley’s Bible Handbook. The 1994 version of the book I have shows how months match up. Hope it help you out!

Month Name Approximately
1st Abib, or Nissan April
2nd Ziv, or Lyar May
3rd Sivan June
4th Tammuz July
5th Ab August
6th Elul September
7th Ethanim, or Tishri October
8th Bul, or Marcheshvan November
9th Chislev December
10th Tebeth January
11th Shebat February
12th Adar March


– Roger