Jeremy joined us today and began his first lesson talking about food, specifically tasty fruits and how some that are delicious don’t look so good, and others that are not so great look fantastic. This conversation segued to a look at the ‘fruits of the Spirit’ and the lesson focused on just one of the ‘fruits’, one we all need more of, Gentleness.
In his second lesson, he asks us a simple question with his lesson title, “Why am I Talking to God?”. So why do we? Are we crazy for thinking there is a God out there? Are we nuts for believing He can hear us? Do we understand how small we are in all the universe? So why DO we talk to God? Are there reasons why we do? What are they? Well, Jeremy’s lesson explains.
You can listen to both lessons by clicking on the buttons below or download the file for listening on your own time. If you have any questions or comments be sure to reach out to us. We are extending the words of the Gospel to listeners today just as Christ’s apostles did in the first century of the church.
Lesson 1: The Fruit of Gentleness
The Fruit of Gentleness – Price, lesson 01
Lesson 2: Why am I Talking to God?
The Fruit of Gentleness – Price, lesson 02
*Photo by William Felker of UnSplash