Teaching the Gospel – Making it Personal

Reading the BibleTeaching the Gospel is necessary for all sinners to become a Christian, but it is also a requirement for “Christians” to remain truly effective for Christ. Some religions suggest that a simple prayer is all you need for salvation. Well, there are many additional directions for the child of God to follow in order to obtain salvation. Remember, the Bible is not individual letters or pages, but a collective thought from our God and Savior Jesus Christ. It takes more than just belief. It takes more than just a prayer. It takes more than repentance. It also takes more than baptism. It takes all these and then a life of trying to do more than others.

This is a very good lesson to wrap-up the year for all of us. Please try to listen, and better still, try to employ the steps in the lesson in your own efforts to seek and save the lost – and keep trying to live a godly life.

Recordings of both lesson can be heard by clicking the link below. If you would like to have an outline of either lesson, or discuss the topics discussed in more detail, please use our Contact page to let us know what lesson you want a copy for.

Teaching the Gospel – Making it Personal, Martin, part 1

Teaching the Gospel – Making it Personal, Martin, part 2