Loving This Present World

Marvin Eads presented his lesson today titled, “Loving This Present World”. You can listen to a recording of this lesson and view his PowerPoint slides below. If you have questions or comments, Marvin or any of us at Waynesville will be happy to talk to you in person, by phone,...

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What Do You Want Out of Life?

Alan Beck shares a lesson today titled, “What Do You Want Out of Life?”. The lesson recording and slides from his PowerPoint presentation are below. We hope you enjoy this lesson! Recording: What Do You Want Out of Life? – Beck

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Here in the Real World

Today, Alan began his lesson in Hebrews 11 talking about the the “Hall of Faith” as we often refer to it. Individuals from the Bible who did more of what God asked of them than many before or after them. Others are listed in that chapter who were unwilling to...

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Doubt + Heaven

Speaking for us today is Alan Beck, and the lessons he presented were “Doubt” and “Heaven”. One was about the tendency of so many in the world to have doubts about Who God is, what He wants and how He communicates with us (or can/does He?). The second lesson is...

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Our Christian Attitudes

Philippians 2:12-15 “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure....

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Who Do You Trust? + What Are We Sowing?

Marvin Eads joined us after a very long time away and gave two very good lessons on TRUST and SOWING. Recordings and slides from both lessons are below, however lessons two only has the first 5 minutes of audio on the recording. That is due to technical issues with our...

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