What Does the Bible Say About Itself?

West Carrollton, Ohio preacher and teacher, Mike Grushon joins us today to share his lesson entitled, “What Does the Bible Tell Us About Itself?” He begins in showing that scripture claims to be the Word of God. He shows that the Apostle Paul declares from 1 Corinthians chapter 2 that...

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Letting My Light Shine

Visiting preacher, Marvin Eads shared his lesson today entitled, “Letting My Light Shine?” and he takes his scripture from Matthew 5:14-16. He begins by showing what our “lights” shine by… Doing God’s will, avoiding the things of this world, doing good to all, being forgiving, having pure religion and living...

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Worldly Pursuits

Today, Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. provided his lesson entitled, “Worldly Pursuits” and began showing what John tells us in 1 John 2:15-17. The lesson begins with what we tend to find “beautiful”… people, cars, houses, fame, power, or wealth. How can we defeat this human trait? By focusing on...

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Jesus said that he did not come to judge but that His words would judge in the last day. This is how Alan opened his lesson today on “Authority”. He goes on to point out that the Father has given His Son authority to execute judgement. So what does Jesus...

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Staying on the Path

Kyle’s friend and colleague, spiritually and as a Christian, Eric Renegar joined us today to share his lesson entitled, “Staying on the Path”. Eric opened with a member reading a passage of scripture that Eric selected for his lesson from 1 John 2:1-6. You can read that for yourself or...

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Marvin Eads joined us today and literally told us all to GO! Well, in fact he did not try to get us to leave the building but was talking about his lesson, entitled, “GO!”. What in the world could be so urgent for a title of a lesson like this?...

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