Our Example

Our Example

Today, Roger Starnes, Sr. presented his first lesson at the Waynesville congregation since he began attending several years ago. As his son, I can confirm my dad has been granted great study skills and the ability to present God’s word in such a way that it can be easily understood...

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The Bible + Temptation

Being the fourth Sunday of the month, we welcomed Broc Begley to join us as he has been doing for some time, to deliver two more very good sermons to the congregation. The first lesson was on “The Bible”. What is the Bible? What was it? What will it always...

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Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet

Cody’s lessons today were from Psalm 119:105. Per his first slide, we can see two things… One, that the psalmist is meditating on God’s Word and thinking about different uses of the Word of God in the faithful person’s life. Two, how does the Word of God give direction in...

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Who Do You Trust? + What Are We Sowing?

Marvin Eads joined us after a very long time away and gave two very good lessons on TRUST and SOWING. Recordings and slides from both lessons are below, however lessons two only has the first 5 minutes of audio on the recording. That is due to technical issues with our...

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The Transfiguration

2 Peter 1:12-18 (NKJV) – “For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding...

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Answering Wisely

We all face challenges at work, at home, and with family where we are faced with conversations or situations that we feel are not giving God credit for something, or are morally sound. We see this more and more in life. The more sinful people are, the more they promote...

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