Press On!

Visiting preacher, Mike Grushon shared his lesson with us this month, entitled “Press On!” using scripture from Philippians 3:12-17 talking about the value of TRUE discipleship. The importance of “pressing on” is made very clear by the Apostle Paul in this text. What does Paul mean my saying that he...

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Marvin Eads from the Haynes Street church of Christ, near Dayton, joined us today as he shared his lesson entitled, “Patience”. He even got to experience a reason for presenting this lesson on his way to Waynesville today! He’ll tell you about it… You can hear Marvin’s lesson and see...

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Formed By God

Jacob Taylor from the West Mason church of Christ joined us again today as he presented a lesson entitled, “Formed By God”. This was a continuation of his series, “The Power of Perspective”. His lesson begins with a look at how God views us and what he does for us....

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True Discipleship

Marvin Eads was able to join us today, as he shared a great lesson on the subject of “Discipleship”. What does it mean? Is it relevant today? Why is it important? You can hear and see slides from Marvin’s PowerPoint presentation in our gallery below. Have questions or comments? You...

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Drawn Away

Waynesville member Roger Starnes shared a lesson today entitled, “Drawn Away” where he talks about the things that steal our attention at work, at home, and at church. So what can we do? Roger shares his ideas on what we can do in his lesson. The recording of his lesson...

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In Kyle’s lesson today you will learn what “Ethical Hacker Pro” is and see how the classes that Kyle teaches factor into today’s lesson so well! What are integrity and ethics? What are some examples of ethical questions we could ask or answer? What Bible stories depict the right or...

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