Listening Generously

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton, OH church, was able to be with us again this month and his topic was “Listening Generously”, a topic he picked up from a work event recently. What does that mean? Here’s what he had to say… Our level of quality listening is often...

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Wisdom and Knowledge

For August, Roger Jr. chose to do his lesson about “Wisdom & Knowledge” after some lesson topic requests from his wife, Patty. Roger noted that no matter how “smart” we feel we are, there is SO MUCH we don’t know, or need to know better. God is simply amazing and...

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The Big Picture

Kyle Jones presented his lesson today titled, “The Big Picture”. The recording of his lesson and slides from his PowerPoint presentation can be heard and seen below. We hope you like this lesson and encourage you to ask us questions or give comments on the lesson as needed. Recording: The...

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Christ Made Perfect Through Suffering

Today, Cody shared a lesson using material from Robert Harkrider entitled, “A Savior Made Perfect Through Suffering” taken from Hebrews 2:5-18. The lesson begins by showing how superior to all that Jesus was and how the followers of Jesus should take consolation in Who He was and is. The question...

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Doubt + Heaven

Speaking for us today is Alan Beck, and the lessons he presented were “Doubt” and “Heaven”. One was about the tendency of so many in the world to have doubts about Who God is, what He wants and how He communicates with us (or can/does He?). The second lesson is...

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What or Who Dwells in Me?

If you get an X-Ray at the doctor, you can see what you are made of, at least as far as the bones of your body is concerned. If you get an MRI, you can see what you are made of in your muscles, organs, and tissue. But how can...

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