Our Fellowship Voyage

Jason Davis and his family have been with us on and off for the past few months. Today we finally got to enjoy a lesson from Jason after a long gap from before he had kids! His lesson for us today was “Our Fellowship Voyage”. In the lesson he starts...

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Press On!

Visiting preacher, Mike Grushon shared his lesson with us this month, entitled “Press On!” using scripture from Philippians 3:12-17 talking about the value of TRUE discipleship. The importance of “pressing on” is made very clear by the Apostle Paul in this text. What does Paul mean my saying that he...

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I Am The True Vine

Cody Cain from the Evendale congregation joined us today to share his lesson entitled, “I Am the True Vine”. You can hear what his lesson is about or follow along with his slides below. Have a question or comment? Please ask us! Recording: I Am The True Vine – Cain

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True Discipleship

Marvin Eads was able to join us today, as he shared a great lesson on the subject of “Discipleship”. What does it mean? Is it relevant today? Why is it important? You can hear and see slides from Marvin’s PowerPoint presentation in our gallery below. Have questions or comments? You...

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What is Trust? That is the question that Marvin Eads asks us today. He begins with the definition of Trust and then shows what False trust is. Next, he shows what trusting in God and in Jesus is and why it is SO important. Why should we trust in God?...

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Grace Not Alone

Jeremy Price was with us today, and he presented a lesson that Nick recorded as “Grace Not Alone”. Jeremy shares some history that leads into his lesson where he notes what Christians should understand about their status before God, even when they are obedient. It is not something on our...

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