
Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shares his lesson entitled, “Timing” using the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 as his focus. While not focusing on the words of this passage so much, Roger chose images specifically based on the topics being discussed. While chapter 3 begins with noting, “To everything, there is...

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Trees of the Bible

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. presented his lesson today entitled, “Trees of the Bible”. What kind of lesson is that? Why would he talk about trees for a sermon? Well, I think you’ll find that there are many significant events from scripture that take place in and around tress, many...

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Today Roger gave a lesson on being “Unfinished”. He gives the definition of “unfinished” but also the synonyms for the same word, which was surprisingly interesting as this lesson leads to spiritual thoughts. The synonyms almost describe many of us Christians trying to do better! The gist of the lesson...

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Every light that we have in our home or business works because it has a connection to a source of power. Sometimes that source of power is many miles away, sometimes even hundreds of miles away! So how does it still work? The answer is Connections. From the power source...

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Like a Tree Planted By the Water + Holding On

Cody and Roger shared lessons today with both lessons on how to sustain and maintain life. Cody gave the first lesson on “Like a Tree Planted By the Water” and spoke of the importance of the water and how a tree lives in difficult situations. Roger followed with lesson two...

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Lessons From Luke

We often take the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John for granted and sometimes even skip over them as we try to grow as or mature as Christians. However, as I grow older, the more I see the need to slow down and pull out a magnifying glass to...

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