
Cody Cain, a member at Evendale church of Christ joins us to day to talk about “Transformation”. A lesson he said that has been on his mind for some time. You can hear the lesson and see and read his slides on our audio file and PowerPoint slides gallery below....

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Being Transformed by the Renewing of Our Mind

Marvin Eads was with us today, and the lesson that he shared with us was entitled, “Being Transformed by the Renewing of Our Mind”. What is this transformation that is supposed to take place? How does it work? What does it do? How does our mind factor into this? Marvin...

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Build on the Rock

Kyle presented a lesson today, reminding us to “Build on the Rock” and focused on the importance of a good and solid foundation. From the physical to the spiritual a solid foundation is very important. Otherwise, you may be shifting from place to place your whole life – just as...

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