Here in the Real World

Today, Alan began his lesson in Hebrews 11 talking about the the “Hall of Faith” as we often refer to it. Individuals from the Bible who did more of what God asked of them than many before or after them. Others are listed in that chapter who were unwilling to...

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Standing for the Truth

Cody presented a lesson today on Standing for the Truth. What is “Truth”? Many have asked that question, many have also not told it over eons of time. But once we know the truth, what do we do with it? What SHOULD we do with it? How can we know...

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The Early Church

Roger and Abe gave lessons this week on “The Early Church”. In each, they take an in-depth look at the early converts and workers in the church to see what they did, how they grew, and the rewards and penalties for success and failure. Don’t feel like you have much...

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