
Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shares his lesson entitled, “Timing” using the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 as his focus. While not focusing on the words of this passage so much, Roger chose images specifically based on the topics being discussed. While chapter 3 begins with noting, “To everything, there is...

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Jeremiah’s Scrolls

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shared a lesson that was an exceptional study for him, in “Jeremiah’s Scrolls” from Jeremiah chapter 36. Roger begins by noting that as Christians trying to live a godly life before our brethren or the people in our lives, even if we are doing what...

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Wisdom and Knowledge

For August, Roger Jr. chose to do his lesson about “Wisdom & Knowledge” after some lesson topic requests from his wife, Patty. Roger noted that no matter how “smart” we feel we are, there is SO MUCH we don’t know, or need to know better. God is simply amazing and...

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Impossible Children

Today, Roger Starnes, Jr. presented a lesson entitled, “Impossible Children”. Not those attributes of ornery kids, but kids who should have never been in the texts of the Bible to parents like, Mary, Elizabeth, Hannah, Manoah’s wife, Rachel, Rebekah, and Sarai/Sarah. Have you forgotten some of the stories of these...

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Links in the Chain

The lessons from Kyle and Roger this week were titled “Links in the Chain”. Both lessons were an expository lesson on the verses from Matthew chapter 10. The lessons begin with the words of Christ from Matthew chapter 28 where he gives his Apostles their Great Commission, a directive by...

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Bible Basics

The more complicated our world seems to get, the more we forget the basics. Sure we can do some amazing things today in our personal, professional, and religious lives with technology and with all the information at hand, but pushing the limits of new accomplishments may mean little if we...

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