Our Example

Our Example

Today, Roger Starnes, Sr. presented his first lesson at the Waynesville congregation since he began attending several years ago. As his son, I can confirm my dad has been granted great study skills and the ability to present God’s word in such a way that it can be easily understood...

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Bad Behavior in the Bible

As a lead-in to Kyle’s lesson next week (10/04/20) Roger presented a lesson on “Bad Behavior in the Bible” as a contrast to what Kyle’s lesson is to be on. When we look at scripture, what do we see? If we take the entirety of the Bible and break it...

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The Fruit of Gentleness + Why am I Talking to God?

Jeremy joined us today and began his first lesson talking about food, specifically tasty fruits and how some that are delicious don’t look so good, and others that are not so great look fantastic. This conversation segued to a look at the ‘fruits of the Spirit’ and the lesson focused...

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Holy Spirit – Revelation

How Important is Revelation? – Without it there is no restraint Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.” Another lesson in a series of requested lessons is on Holy Spirit – Revelation. This whole series was...

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Holy Spirit – Importance

Today Abe follows up with another segment on his Holy Spirit series of lessons (per request). These lessons include: The Holy Spirit is part of the Godhood or Godhead. He is a person or being in the Godhood. Some have proclaimed Him to be just a force or breath of...

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