Listening Generously

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton, OH church, was able to be with us again this month and his topic was “Listening Generously”, a topic he picked up from a work event recently. What does that mean? Here’s what he had to say… Our level of quality listening is often...

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Marvin Eads from the Haynes Street congregation in Dayton joined us today, sharing a lesson on “Hope” with us. You can hear his lesson by clicking the button below, or downloading the MP3, and/or by viewing his slides below. Lesson: Hope – Eads

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True Discipleship

Marvin Eads was able to join us today, as he shared a great lesson on the subject of “Discipleship”. What does it mean? Is it relevant today? Why is it important? You can hear and see slides from Marvin’s PowerPoint presentation in our gallery below. Have questions or comments? You...

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Bad Behavior in the Bible

As a lead-in to Kyle’s lesson next week (10/04/20) Roger presented a lesson on “Bad Behavior in the Bible” as a contrast to what Kyle’s lesson is to be on. When we look at scripture, what do we see? If we take the entirety of the Bible and break it...

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True Discipleship

Marvin Eads who normally works with the Haynes Street church in Dayton joined us today to talk about “True Discipleship“. He began reading from Mark chapter 8:34-38. That reading led to his introduction of how Jesus illustrates the true value of a person’s soul. Then he began to ask us...

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Fault Lines

A subject that Roger has had on his mind for some time is the idea of “Fault Lines”. Like the earth, we humans have fractures and cracks in our personalities, our minds, and in our spiritual lives. These are hidden areas of risk that can, in the right moment, unleash...

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