What or Who Dwells in Me?

If you get an X-Ray at the doctor, you can see what you are made of, at least as far as the bones of your body is concerned. If you get an MRI, you can see what you are made of in your muscles, organs, and tissue. But how can...

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Unbroken and Reinforcing

Abe had planned to be out of town this past weekend to take care of some things on his to-do list, and I was to fill-in for him. While his plans didn’t quite work out as hoped, I was able to put together and present 2 lessons I felt were...

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The Way of a Transgressor

Transgress [trans-gres, tranz-] (definition from Dictionary.com) verb (used without object) To violate a law, command, moral code, etc.; offend; sin. verb (used with object) To pass over or go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.): to transgress bounds of prudence. To go beyond the limits imposed by (a law, command, etc.);...

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Sin In The Camp

Have you ever felt like when things are really going your way, and nothing can stop you, something usually does? For men and women in scripture, this is usually due to individuals doing, or being unaware of, things that God is has said NO to. This was the situation that...

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Time Lessons

I can tell you, that when you do a lesson on time,  getting folks to pay attention to that term sort of takes on a life of its own! Since working on, and presenting the lesson I did last Sunday, I have stopped myself many times when I said or...

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What Happened?

Abe and Roger split the lessons today, with two lessons entitled, “What Happened?”, asking the question, how did humans get to where they are now with all that God has done? We live in a time where we constantly hear of those in the world, or even in other religions...

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