Engin Akyurt

Spiritual Immaturity

Roger Sr. started his lesson out from 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 and talked about how much people love little babies. But then contrasted that by comparing how no one likes a “cry baby” especially in adults. While being a Christian requires growth, starting at the “milk” of the word, but we...

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Deny Yourself and Follow Me

Mike Grushon was with us today once again and shared his lesson entitled, “Deny Yourself and Follow Me” from Luke 9:23-27. Mike began his lesson by readying that passage, which you can follow along below. Mike notes some things that Christ’s disciples had to deny… to be #1, to desire...

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Spiritual Vision

Mike Grushon from the West Carrollton congregation joins us again this month and shares his lesson entitled, “Spiritual Vision” with a connection to Proverbs 29:18. He opens with the importance of our physical vision then connects seeing to some passages by Solomon. How can we see things in our lives...

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Hummingbird or Vulture?

Scott Taylor, the preacher at West Mason, was with us at Waynesville this Sunday, as his son Jacob Taylor was getting some education in Colorado for a few months this summer. Scott said he would fill in for him, and we were glad to have him! Scott had done lessons...

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What Do You See in the Cross?

Brother Marvin Eads, from the Haynes Street congregation in Dayton, was with us again today. He shared a lesson called “What Do You See in the Cross?”. So the question is to you and me, what do WE see in the cross? What about our friends or our family? Marvin...

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Just God

On March 21st, Kyle Jones gave a lesson on Just God. A lesson that used the two words in a few different thoughts… First, he talked about justice and how God is just and unlike humans who need to be blind to avoid adding prejudice into our view of who...

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