Spiritual Growth & Maturity

Another installment of his series from Robert Harkrider’s material on Spiritual Growth & Maturity, Cody continues his series starting in Hebrews 5:11-14 today. He begins by focusing on the birth of a new Christian like that of a new baby. He continues by looking at the differences in growth in...

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Focus – Part 1

As we slowly return from our stay-at-home orders from the past months, the church at Waynesville has shortened their Sunday morning worship time and our lessons have been trimmed too. This week Roger begins a short series of lessons on “Focus” or focusing. We look at why focus is important...

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Romans – Salvation by the System of Faith

Sunday, May 31st was our first worship service since the stay-at-home order went out in mid-March to try to protect Ohio residents from the COVID-19 virus. So much has happened since those early days, it seems like it was long ago. We’ve had many lose jobs, many have to close...

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Our Christian Attitudes

Philippians 2:12-15 “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure....

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Multiplied Abundance + Open Our Eyes

Jonathan Compton was our guest speaker today, and he shared lessons on “Multiplied Abundance” from Mark chapter 6, and a second lesson titled “Open Our Eyes”. The take-away from both lessons are we have SO much when God is with us, and that with God and Christ, even the infirmaties...

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Seek Ye First + By Faith Noah

Today Jason Reeder was with us again, presenting two lessons on faith: Seek Ye First and By Faith Noah. Sometimes we get our focus mixed up, and lose focus on God as our #1 focus, and put Him 2nd, 3rd, or even last. These are when we often suffer challenges...

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