Hope, Joy, and Love

Today, family members Cody Cain, Andrew Cain, and Adam Cain were scheduled to share the lessons and songs for this special lesson format. The focus for songs, lessons, and scriptures was what the lessons’ title indicates: Hope, Joy, and Love. The lesson recordings below are from Adam first, followed by...

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Our Security

The lessons for today were for our “5th Sunday” lessons, where we do a mix of scripture readings and songs that focus on a particular subject for lesson one, then the second lesson finished up with that same theme.

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Doomsday Preppers

Abe’s lessons from today focus on a TV show called “Doomsday Preppers” where people prepare for the time when they may have to fight for survival. Whether it is protecting what they own, trying to have enough food, or staying alive, the show illustrates just what people will do to...

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Abe’s lesson for today was also the theme of our ‘5th Sunday’ worship, on Happiness. There is a song out that was used in a 3-D animation called “Happy” and it is truly VERY popular. Why? The song has a catchy tune, but it also talks about a feeling that...

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Going Home

Abe’s two lessons for today were on “Going Home” or “Coming Home” depending on which way you are looking at it! As touched on in his first lesson, home is one of the places you most look forward to when you’ve been away. Vacation, school, work, business, coming home is...

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