God Sees

Roger presented the lessons today, in our “5th Sunday” lesson format where we combine songs and scriptures with a theme for our 1st assembly followed by a short invitation. Then for our 2nd assembly, we do a full lesson on the same theme. Today’s theme was “God Sees”. If you...

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It’s Just Your Interpretation

Marvin Eads was able to be with us today with his wife, and he presented to very good lessons on how many often generalize God’s Word in a pair of lessons titled, “It’s Just Your Interpretation”. How many times have some of us heard these words when we try to...

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Ben Berry presented our lessons today. Our current bible study in the adult class discussed the authority of Christ today, and it just happened that Authority is exactly what Ben spoke about. He made some excellent points about authority and law. How laws without authority are moot, and without law...

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Roger’s lessons today were on boundaries. We have boundaries in nearly every part of our daily lives. From when we have to be at school or work, to what lane we have to drive in, to how we interact with others. Boundaries are part of us. In the lessons, we...

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It’s All About ME!

Abe’s lessons today were an introspective look at himself, who he is, how he got to be that way, why he was raised as he was, and how it has impacted his life up to this point. Most of all, how has he measured up to what God demands of...

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