
Roger’s lessons today were on boundaries. We have boundaries in nearly every part of our daily lives. From when we have to be at school or work, to what lane we have to drive in, to how we interact with others. Boundaries are part of us. In the lessons, we...

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Emotions – Not Emotionalism

Abe’s lessons from today begin with a really great question… We have been discussing religion of the heart and mind recently. When talking about the bible, heart, or mind, we find that a part of each human is their emotional side. How can we have our emotions involved in our...

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Time Lessons

I can tell you, that when you do a lesson on time,  getting folks to pay attention to that term sort of takes on a life of its own! Since working on, and presenting the lesson I did last Sunday, I have stopped myself many times when I said or...

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My Life – A Life of Choices

Our entire lives, beginning before we are born, is typically a life of choices that effect who we are or who we’ll become. These choices may be asking a young man or woman out on a first date that leads to marriage and our birth. It may be a choice...

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