One Church (part 1)
The church of Christ (Romans 16-10) originated in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost shortly after the death of our Lord and Savior. Depending on the calendar one uses, the year was approximately 33 A.D.
The church of Christ (Romans 16-10) originated in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost shortly after the death of our Lord and Savior. Depending on the calendar one uses, the year was approximately 33 A.D.
Roger and Abe gave lessons this week on “The Early Church”. In each, they take an in-depth look at the early converts and workers in the church to see what they did, how they grew, and the rewards and penalties for success and failure. Don’t feel like you have much...
Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “The Book of Acts”. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below: 010112-the-book-of-acts-1 010112-the-book-of-acts-2