First Impressions

Today, Kyle shares a really good lesson on First Impressions. He begins with social stats on what first impressions are often based on posture, voice, and emotion. Once made it is often hard to shake what you feel for what is true or more accurate. He shares stats on things...

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In Kyle’s lesson today you will learn what “Ethical Hacker Pro” is and see how the classes that Kyle teaches factor into today’s lesson so well! What are integrity and ethics? What are some examples of ethical questions we could ask or answer? What Bible stories depict the right or...

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Kyle Jones and Cody Cain split our lessons during worship on a subject on “Internalizing”. The idea is not just memorizing or being aware of the content in the things we study or work towards, but rather to fully be aware of the lesson(s) in what we are working on...

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The Diary of Peter

Do you know what the scroll on the right says? How’s your Greek? If as bad as me, try this link to see and hear what these words are. We have a lot of great information about the Apostle Peter in the four gospels, as well as other places in...

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The Transfiguration

2 Peter 1:12-18 (NKJV) – “For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding...

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We all face choices every day. Do we sleep in? Do we get up? What do we eat for breakfast? What do we wear to work? What do we do after work. Then there are the bigger choices, who do we date? Who do we marry? Where will we live?...

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