Psalm 139 + Weeds

Jeremy Price was able to join us again on October 20th with his family and a few friends and their kids while camping at nearby Caesar Creek State Park. He provided two really insightful lessons on the scripture of Psalm 139 and what we can learn from it. He also...

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God’s Love

For our 2019 Gospel Meeting, the church at Waynesville had a 3-day meeting with Scott Taylor, Jeff Minks, and Broc Begley each talking about an aspect of God’s Love (today, tomorrow and forever). Lessons and slides are below… Lesson 1 (05/09/19): God’s Love Today – Scott Taylor God’s Love Today...

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Top 10 Perfect Christians

In a world where everyone pretends to have perfection in their lives (jobs, clothes, family, spouses, body) online or in social media, today Roger had us look at all those who actually lived a perfect life as a Christian from the New Testament. Who were these perfect Christians? How did...

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Christ – the Perfect Example for Children

Christ set the perfect example for children. On earth, He always obeyed the Father. He kept His commands even unto death. Even though He was the express image of God, the Word, He came to do the will of the Father. With this in mind, it should be easier for...

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Leadership Lessons – 10/28/12

Abe’s lessons this past Sunday were on “Leadership”. A timely couple of lessons as we are just days away from electing a president for the next 4 years. It could be the incumbent, it could be the challenger who will be the leader of this country, only God knows at...

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