One Church – Part 2

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build My church.”  The Lord refers to Himself as the “bridegroom” (Matthew 9:15; Mark 2:19, 20; Luke 5:34, 35). Both Paul and Peter refer to the Lord as the “head” or “chief corner stone of the church” (Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6, 7)....

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Abe did a great job today really digging into the meat of the lessons in the book of Philemon. It can be so tempting to skip over these short letters, but spend a little time putting the lessons under a microscope, and you can learn some things! Abe did a...

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The Book of Titus

Abe’s lessons were from the book of Titus. Each first Sunday of the month we look at a new book of the Bible. There are some good lessons to be found in this short book. Hope you can listen! Recording of the lessons can be heard by clicking the link...

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The Early Church

Roger and Abe gave lessons this week on “The Early Church”. In each, they take an in-depth look at the early converts and workers in the church to see what they did, how they grew, and the rewards and penalties for success and failure. Don’t feel like you have much...

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2 Timothy Lessons

Abe’s lessons for today were on the book of 2 Timothy. Each 1st Sunday of the month, Abe has been covering a book of the bible. Today, he discusses the close relationship between Paul and this young preacher Timothy. The lesson for us today is how much we need to...

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