Two Appointments

Visiting preacher, Marvin Eads, was back with us today and shared a lesson he titled, “TWO APPOINTMENTS – BE WISE IN YOUR DECISIONS”. What two appointments is he talking about? What do they have to do with my decision-making? You can find out by listening to his lesson below and...

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The Resurrected King

The Resurrected King is the title of the lesson given by a new speaker at Waynesville, Jacob Taylor, son of Scott Taylor and grandson of Randy Taylor. He did a fine job! You can hear his lesson and see his slides below. Recording: The Resurrected King – Jacob Taylor

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Love Lifts

Eric joined us for the first time today as a speaker, and presented a lesson, or should we say, lessons, from the stories of Jesus walking on the water from Matthew 14:22-33

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The Kingdom of God

Jeremy Price joins us today and begins his lesson by looking at a number of passages. He starts with Colossians 1:13, Psalm 103:19, Romans 13:1, Daniel 4:3, John 18:36, Matthew 4:17, John 3:5-7, 1 Corinthians 6, and Matthew 7:21 all to talk about the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom exists,...

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Let It Shine

On February 21st, Kyle presented a lesson titled, “Let It Shine”. His lesson began by sharing the view from an officer that often parks outside his property to catch speeding drivers and how every Sunday that driver sees Kyle and his family heading to church. As he noted it is...

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Rich Young Ruler + Blessed a Hundredfold

Matthew Allen from the Kettering congregation was able to join us today, and he presented two lessons for us today. The first lesson was a study of the Rich Young Ruler from Matthew 19 – what he was doing right, the type of person he was, and what he lacked....

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