Bad Behavior in the Bible

As a lead-in to Kyle’s lesson next week (10/04/20) Roger presented a lesson on “Bad Behavior in the Bible” as a contrast to what Kyle’s lesson is to be on. When we look at scripture, what do we see? If we take the entirety of the Bible and break it...

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Psalm 139 + Weeds

Jeremy Price was able to join us again on October 20th with his family and a few friends and their kids while camping at nearby Caesar Creek State Park. He provided two really insightful lessons on the scripture of Psalm 139 and what we can learn from it. He also...

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Spiritual Check-up + Zacchaeus

Steven Matthews gave two lessons today. He once worked with the Englewood, Ohio congregation and has been working out of state for the past several years. Today the first lesson he presented for us was, “Spiritual Check-up”. The second lesson was “Zacchaeus”. In the first lesson he takes a look...

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With God All Things Are Possible + Letting Go

With a heavy heart due to his father’s health failing, Cody presented a lesson today on With God All Things Are Possible. Many people recognize this but few truly believe it or they have asked God to intervene in aspects of their lives and things did not go as the...

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The Wizard of Oz

A favorite movie and book of many around the world is converted into a gospel sermon today as shared by Broc Begley. So what can this story about a girl from Kansas swept away to a far away land have to tell us about God, Christ, the church, or living...

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The 99 + The Man in the Mirror

Broc Begley gave us two different lessons today. The first lesson was “The 99” connecting the movie Finding Nemo with the lost sheep story in the text of the New Testament. The main focus was the importance of finding those who get lost or fail and returning them to the...

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