Top 10 Perfect Christians

In a world where everyone pretends to have perfection in their lives (jobs, clothes, family, spouses, body) online or in social media, today Roger had us look at all those who actually lived a perfect life as a Christian from the New Testament. Who were these perfect Christians? How did...

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Hope, Joy, and Love

Today, family members Cody Cain, Andrew Cain, and Adam Cain were scheduled to share the lessons and songs for this special lesson format. The focus for songs, lessons, and scriptures was what the lessons’ title indicates: Hope, Joy, and Love. The lesson recordings below are from Adam first, followed by...

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Last week we talked about the importance of faith. Faith is the basis of salvation. With faith, Paul, includes hope and love as being very important in our salvation. Why is hope important? What part does it play in salvation? Do you ever lose your hope?? These lesson can help...

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One More Day

The lessons today started off with the lyrics to the Diamond Rio song, “One More Day” and segued from the song and what it was about, to how the song can apply to us for those we know now, and those we’ve lost. Most of us would love a day...

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Our 5th Sunday lessons this month were on “Encouragement”. Our first assembly includes scripture readings and songs on the subject per how Abe had lesson set-up. The second lesson was a normal sermon, following up on all we started with. Lesson recordings, outline of songs and scriptures from first lesson,...

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Reaping What We Sow – Family

Galatians 6:7-10 – “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let...

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