God Turned Away

Cody joined us today to share his lesson, “God Turned Away”. You can hear his lesson and follow along with his PowerPoint slides in our gallery below… Recording: God Turned Away – Cain

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What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Jacob Taylor joined us at Waynesville as he shared a new lesson entitled, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. What are some of the aspects of Jesus that we can celebrate as His children and as His church? Jacob tells us. What are some of the things we can...

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The Resurrection and the Lordship of Jesus

Mike brought a very good lesson today, entitled “The Resurrection and the Lordship of Jesus”. Most of the content for the lesson comes from 1 Corinthians 15 and Acts chapter 2. Click on the MP3 player button below to listen and follow along using images of his PowerPoint slides below....

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Alan Beck joined us again today to share his lesson on “Noah” with us. So what all can Noah teach us besides how to build a really big boat in 100 years? Check out his presentation’s slides below in our gallery. This lesson is also missing audio. Sadly this has...

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What is Trust? That is the question that Marvin Eads asks us today. He begins with the definition of Trust and then shows what False trust is. Next, he shows what trusting in God and in Jesus is and why it is SO important. Why should we trust in God?...

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The Resurrected King

The Resurrected King is the title of the lesson given by a new speaker at Waynesville, Jacob Taylor, son of Scott Taylor and grandson of Randy Taylor. He did a fine job! You can hear his lesson and see his slides below. Recording: The Resurrected King – Jacob Taylor

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